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The Engineer is another Academy experiment. He is augmented with mechanical parts. These parts were custom created.


His appearance is similar to Dog in the sense that both have had their bodies augmented with mechanical parts and both seem to be constantly breaking down. His skin is raw, like a fresh burn, and he wears a loose-fitting metal shell around part of his body. The mechanical parts were inserted in a way that left muscle and turning cogs visible. His armor, gun, and machinery is well decorated and well taken care of.[1]


Strong enough to punch through a grown man's head "like a melon"[2]

He carries a gun.

  1. "The Engineer watched us.  His skin was as raw as a fresh burn, but he wore a mask that covered and sealed his mouth shut, a loose-fitting and incomplete metal shell surrounding much of his body.  Mechanical parts were worked into biology, open enough that I could see wet muscle and turning cogs.  It was a similar sort of project to Dog, I expected, but instead of going the warbeast route, they’d enhanced the man until things broke down, and they’d replaced the broken-down parts with machinery.  I had little doubt that there was at least one machine attached to his body that dispensed powerful painkillers at regular intervals. All that said, looking past the glistening bits I could see between gaps in the heavy armor, the Engineer was a work of art.  The mask had a flair to it, the machinery gleamed, and there were traces of silver lining the edges of darker metal.  Even his gun looked impressive and ornate." -Excerpt from Tooth and Nail 7.4
  2. "The Engineer’s fist struck his head, compressed it against the doorframe  and cracked it like a melon." -Excerpt from Tooth and Nail 7.6